Video Showcase


3D Subsurface Resistivty Mapping

Comparing conventional 2D and our in-house developed 3D resistivity mapping system.

Resistivity mapping is a technique in geophysics used to investigate the electrical properties of the Earth's subsurface. A known method in environmental, engineering, and mineral exploration studies, it provides information on the resistivity property of the different layers present underground.

Some features of our developed system are:

  • Autonomous nodal deployment
  • Flexible deployment time
  • Minimized environmental footprint
  • With active and passive suvey modes

Keep on revisiting this post and we'll keep you posted on the results of our upcoming field tests!

Join us at GeoCon this December, 2023

December 5 to 6, 2023

GeoSocPhil is having GeoCon 2023 in Quezon City with the title "Our Natural Resources: Fueling the Energy Transition Journey".

Join us as we present our most recent developments, studies and discoveries during the conference.

Listen to our chief geophysicist Dr. Emmanuel Ramos as he presents his observations and discoveries relating to tectonic deformation in the Philippines as part of the conferece's plenary sessions. We are also thrilled to present our research study on developing a 3D electromagnetic mapping system and its promising initial performance during the poster presentations.

See you at the plenary! Also, you can visit our poster at Panel Board 76 at Monet 3!

Seismic Instrumentation and Data Analytics for Building Engineers and Managers this August, 2023

Tekton exclusively invites its client building engineers and managers to a training seminar on understanding the purpose and use of seismic instrumentations for buildings.

With our commitment to promote public awareness about the importance of seismic instrumentation and analytics, special topics are selected for discussion, with major subject on the following:

  • Seismic instrumentation for buildings
  • Earthquake and seismic data
  • National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP2015) and post-earthquake analysis
  • Seismic data and data analytics with overview of Trion Network

See you there!

Natural Disasters Expo Asia

Meeting with experts from around the globe for the latest technology solutions to manage and mitigate natural disasters particularly earthquakes.

Earthquakes are natural disasters that can have devastating effects on communities and businesses. To minimize the destructive impact of earthquakes, it is crucial to have the latest technology and resources to manage and respond to these disasters. This is where earthquake expos play a key role in showcasing the most recent advancements in technology and disaster management strategies.

With professionals, organizations, and companies focused to present and demonstrate latest technology and strategies, we take advantage of this excellent platform for knowledge exchange with experts in the field.


What we offer

Geophysical Studies

Gravity anomaly mapping and modelling
Geomagnetic studies and modelling
Geo-resistivity profiling using an array of electrodes or VLF signals

Geotechnical and Environmental Monitoring

Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring for engineered structures
Measurement and monitoring of ground movement

Seismic Instrumentation for Buildings and Facilities

Strong motion accelerographs for buildings and facilities for structural response during earthquakes
Seismic switches for lifeline resiliency during earthquakes

Geo-science Surveys

Geological mapping and environmental geology
Topographic/terrain mapping and digital geomorphology

Seismic Profiling / Imaging for Shallow and Deep Targets

Shallow seismic imaging using seismic refraction and MASW
2D seismic reflection surveys using Smart Geophones for hydrocarbon exploration
3D passive seismic tomography and subsurface imaging for energy exploration


What we carry

Seismic Switches

Earthquake Safety Systems Inc.

Seismograph for Ground Motion Monitoring

Vibron v2

Strong Motion Accelerograph for Buildings

Nanometrics Seismic Services Inc.

Seismic Recorder for Tomography Surveys

Geometrics' Geode


As part of our commitment to provide quality services to our clients, we spend a lot of time doing research and development projects. Our objective is to provide locally-produced quality instruments that will give our clients the biggest bang for the buck!


What we've recently done

NSCR Vibration Monitoring


CAMANA Ground Settlement Monitoring

Ground settlement

Mogpog Resistivity Survey


CAMANA Ground Water Level Monitoring

Ground water level

Masbate Vibration Monitoring


Lagundingan MASW


Wireless Vibration Research


PNR Heritage Station Vibration Monitoring


QHS Vibration Monitoring



Our awesome partners include


Who we are

Our Vision

In the near future, we see a Philippines where the geo-resources, geohazards and geological foundation are better known and sustainably-managed because of the clear and accurate geological, geotechnical and geophysical information of the subsurface.

Our Mission

We actively contribute excellent scientific instrumentation and geophysical imaging technology to facilitate the national development efforts of our clients and all Filipinos.

Learn More


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